Thursday 14 May 2009


You heard it here first. Andrew Bachell is to resign from his post as Director of Conservation for the National Trust for Scotland. Andrew (indeterminate age) wasn’t available for comment but Clachnacuddin understands that he’s just a little unhappy as the NTS lurches from sad crisis to the next. But before you whip out a fiver for the going away present, don’t bother because Andrew’s been here before – he resigned under the previous regime and then trotted off to Scottish Natural Heritage and was paid by the taxpayer for a year or two before Mark (I was a wheel in RBS) Adderley coaxed him back to the NTS. Even then, there was a little bit of confusion – staff at SNH were told it was a short secondment. Define ‘short’. Anyway, off you go Andrew. Bet Trevor Croft if laughing his socks off!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Andrew Bachell is a serious loss to the Trust. He is well-respected both inside and outside the Trust by those in the conservation and heritage world. Who else in the Trust management has those credentials? How was he able to work even for the time he was there, with people who didn't seem to know or care about the Trust's heritage? Even the new Chief executive does not appear to have any knowledge, experience or serious interest in conservation. Nor does she have any experience of managing a large and complex organisation. What qualified her for this post at such a troubled period in Trust history? Can we really blame Andrew Bachell if he opted to go back to SNH rather than face the same fate as senior managers in the past have suffered when they found themselves in disagreement with Ms MacPherson?
    Surely Trevor Croft could not find much to smile about when considering what Trust staff are having to go through at this time.
